
Institution: Cardiff University

Lead Researcher: Ciara Puckerin

Project title: Exploring Black British Women's Experiences of Skin Conditions and Appearance Adjustment

Type of hair loss: any type of dermatological hair loss

This research project, led by trainee clinical psychologist Ciara Puckerin, at Cardiff university is aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences, challenges, and coping strategies of Black women with skin conditions, and how they adjust to changes in their appearance. Your insights will contribute to a better understanding of this topic and may help inform support and intervention strategies in the future.

The study will involve an 45-60 minute interview, with a possibility of a further follow up interview. The interview will explore women’s stories around appearances, experiences of treatment and coping strategies. 

Participants who complete the interview will receive a £10 voucher to thank them for their participation. 

If you like to take part, please complete the form below: