Research Research Research Aims Funded Projects Participate in research Lay Research Panel Research Committee For Researchers Research Our Research Aims Our Research Aims Our overall research aim is to provide hope and confidence to people with alopecia by funding research into its causes, with the aim of finding treatments, and ultimately, a cure. For too long those with alopecia have had to deal with treatments that work for some and not for others, with no actual cure available. Alopecia UK are keen to keep those with alopecia at the heart of what they do and keep everything within the charity driven by the needs and wants of those with alopecia. As such we want to ensure those with alopecia are involved in the direction of research and that the voice of those with alopecia is always heard. We believe that our Research Strategy, and the direction of research, relies on our patient mandate, and we look forward to keeping you all involved in this process. For more information, download our Research Strategy Key areas of Research? Alopecia UK have identified three key areas for research. Causes: Understanding the causes of hair loss can help inform treatments and hopefully in the future a cure. Treatments: What treatments are available for Alopecia and how effective are current treatments. In addition to medical treatments, Alopecia UK also want to look at lifestyle changes that may be of benefit to people with alopecia and the psychological interventions available which may alleviate the distress associated with hair loss. Management: How is alopecia managed both medically and psychologically and how can we better support people with hair loss to manage the condition. Supporting Research Alopecia UK aim to support researchers by providing funding and helping researchers to publicise their projects to people affected by alopecia and members of the public. We took our first steps towards funding research in 2015, when Alopecia UK funded the Hair Loss Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) with the James Lind Alliance, the results of which were published in two papers, one in 2017 and the other in 2018. The PSP involved people affected by alopecia and treatment providers and prioritised the top 10 questions raised by participants, available here. The merger between Autoimmune Alopecia Research UK (AAR-UK) and Alopecia UK in November 2017 marked the start of an exciting new chapter, where both charities decided to combine efforts to increase research funding for alopecia. Since 2018, we have invested over £385,000 into alopecia research projects. Information for researchers interested in applying for funding, or receiving support with their research, can be found on 'Information for Researchers'. Monitoring of current research projects We will continue to monitor projects already funded by AAR-UK and Alopecia UK, to update our members on progress and ensure funds are being used appropriately. Details and updates on each project can be found on 'Our Funded Projects'.