Contact us: 
By email:  [email protected]
By telephone: 0800 101 7025 (available 10am - 4pm, Mon- Fri) *
By post:  Alopecia UK, PO Box 341, Shipley, BD18 9EH
By online contact form: simply fill out the form below

* Please note due to being a small charity team there may be times where all our staff are busy and therefore unable to take your call. If you leave a voicemail with your name, number and nature of your call we will endeavour to get back to you in a timely manner.

If you are in need of support and need to speak to someone regarding this there may be times where we need to arrange a time for an appropriate member of staff to call you back.

The staff at Alopecia UK are not medical professionals and as such are not able to provide medical support or advice on treatments. The staff members taking your call are also not professional therapists/counsellors. What they can offer is a friendly listening ear from someone who has lived experience of alopecia themselves, and can therefore give you peer support and advice. Please note, Alopecia UK is unable to assist with individual requests for funding for wigs.

If you are in need of urgent support you can contact:

  • The Samaritans on Freephone 116 123
  • Childline on 0800 11 11
  • NHS 111 Service - call 111 when it's not an emergency situation but you need health care information
  • In an emergency or crisis situation, go to your local Accident & Emergency (A&E) department or call 999 for an ambulance. 



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