Kimberly joined the Alopecia UK board in February 2023. She has governance experience, including as a board member of the CALP Network and previously acting as an adviser to the British Red Cross Board of Trustees. Kimberly has worked in the humanitarian sector for 20 years across policy, advocacy, and leadership roles.

"I was diagnosed with alopecia areata in 2012 and soon learned that others in my family had experienced it too. Bald patches continually come and go, and although it is not often noticed by others, I feel an impact on my mental health whenever a new patch starts. 

In early 2022, numerous spots were appearing, growing larger in size, and were increasingly difficult to cover up. I felt self-conscious and hesitant to go to work, and this really discouraged me as I'm normally extroverted and get a lot from being with colleagues. Visiting the Alopecia UK website was so helpful, reading the personal stories provided solidarity and inspiration! I was amazed to see the impactful work of the staff team and volunteers who shift attitudes and enable people with alopecia to thrive.

I am delighted to join the Board of Trustees so that I can support the amazing work of the charity. If the unpredictability of alopecia is life giving me lemons, being part of the Alopecia UK community is my way of making lemonade!"

Reviewed by Alopecia UK on 25/03/2024