Children & Young People

The Alopecia UK Youth Network aims to provide young people affected by alopecia (ages 13-17) with the possibility of connecting with others as well as resources and information needed to live well and help them understand more about alopecia.

The Youth Network is a new resource grown out of input from our Youth Voice Board, feedback and learning from previous online meetings and conversations with the alopecia community. 

To join the Youth Network all you have to do is complete this quick form here. It will ask a little bit about you, for consent from a parent or guardian and if you would like to receive a welcome pack in the post. It should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. 

By signing up to the Youth Network you will receive: 

Invitations to our online sessions (e.g social chats, workshops, webinars etc).
Detailed information including exact dates/times and how to attend will be provided via email to those who sign up for the network. 

A welcome pack in the post, including: 

  • copy of our 'A little bit of everything about alopecia' booklet which covers topics such as; 'What is alopecia? - the science bit!'  'Living well with alopecia', 'Appearance tips for managing hair loss' and more.
  • 20 x Alopecia Awareness cards. These cards have been developed after hearing from many people that they wished they had something that they could hand to the general public to raise some awareness and to address some of the comments those with alopecia sometimes hear (with suggestions of better ways to address them).
  • One Alopecia UK wristband. This can help raise awareness and show your support for the charity.
  • A flyer which includes a list of helpful products/services as recommended by our Youth Voice Board
  • One Alopecia UK tube scarf* (Upon joining you'll be able to select your preferred print, see our options here)
  • A pair of false eyelashes* (thanks to Eylure)
  • A voucher to redeem a free set of transfer eyebrows* (thanks to Farah M London)

*These items will only be provided to those who signify they want them on their form. Provided whilst stocks last. 

Join the Alopecia UK Youth Network today!

Frequently asked questions:

Is the Youth Network the same as the Youth Voice Board?

Not exactly. Our Youth Voice Board is a small group of young people committed to representing the voices, opinions and thoughts of other young people within the alopecia community. They are people who wish to raise awareness of alopecia and are happy being very public in their journey. The Youth Voice Board work closely with Alopecia UK to make sure the work we do is relevant for young people today. They also help create resources such as our public social media (check out their Instagram page here), and our Youth Network digital newsletter and help host some of our Youth Network meetings. If being part of the Youth Voice Board sounds interesting to you, you can find out more about joining here. 

The Youth Network however is a community of young people with alopecia. By joining the network you gain access to everything outlined at the top of the page. You will be able to access as much or as little of this as possible. The Youth Network is great if you would like to meet others of a similar age with alopecia, gain tips and advice, gain confidence and generally just have a supportive community to be a part of. 

Who can sign up to the Youth Network? 

Any young person aged between 13-17 living with any type of alopecia in the UK. 

Do I have to sign up to the Youth Network in order to attend the online meetings?

No, you do not have to sign up in order to attend the meetings. The meeting details will be shared on our website here, on our social media and information will be emailed to those signed up for the Youth Network too. 

Can parents or guardians sign up on behalf of young people?

We ask that those signing up are the young people themselves so that they can understand and be involved right from the start. If you are a parent or guardian who has come across this page we encourage you to show it to your child so that they can make their own decision about signing up. We will require consent from a parent or guardian in order to sign up.

Who can I contact about the Youth Network?

The Youth Network is run and managed by Alopecia UK's Support Coordinator Jen Davies. You can contact her at [email protected] 

You can find further FAQs here. 

Join the Alopecia UK Youth Network

Joining the network is really simple! All you need to do is complete a short form which gathers a little information about who you are and your contact details.

Complete the form here.