About Matt:

Matt is Alopecia UK’s Finance and Operations Manager and joined the charity in November 2023. He lives in West Yorkshire with his wife and two boys. He enjoys running, building Lego models with his boys and exploring the Yorkshire Dales. 

Matt’s background:

Before working for Alopecia UK, for over a decade Matt has worked in the charity sector. He has worked for charities delivering poverty relief, supporting victims of crime as well as his local church, during which time he gained finance, administration, communication and leadership skills.

Matt at Alopecia UK:

As Finance and Operations Manager, Matt is responsible for managing Alopecia UK’s finances, as well as delivering and developing the operational support needs of the charity. This includes overseeing the charity’s finances, ensuring that administrative systems and processes are in place as well as data analysis and reporting. Alopecia UK has an ambitious vision and exciting future, Matt’s role will help to provide the infrastructure required for Alopecia UK to continue to increase it’s reach so that more people, affected by alopecia, can find the support they need. 

Why Alopecia UK:

“I have always been passionate and motivated to do what I can to help and empower others to live well. With my background and experience working in different charities I hope to help Alopecia UK to grow and develop into the charity that those affected by alopecia need and deserve. Since joining Alopecia UK, I have already been inspired and amazed by the support offered, the passion and determination of the staff team and community to raise awareness as well as the charity’s commitment to research.

As someone who experienced male pattern hair loss in my late teens and early 20s, I understand some of the impact alopecia has on an individual’s confidence and wellbeing, and the journey required to overcome these in order to be able to live life well.”

Matt’s favourite inspirational quote:

There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind (C. S. Lewis)

Reviewed by Alopecia UK on 25/03/2024