Research Research Research Aims Funded Projects Participate in research Lay Research Panel Research Committee For Researchers News & Events Alopecia UK Introduces New PhD Bursary Alopecia UK is committed to supporting the growth of high-quality research on alopecia. Through launching a PhD Bursary, we aim to encourage the best basic scientists and healthcare professionals (with co-funding to top up a clinical salary) to embark on a career in alopecia research. Thanks to a generous legacy, Alopecia UK is inviting applications for a PhD Bursary to be taken up in October 2023. This Bursary is open to applications on biomedical, clinical and psychological research, which addresses the biological and physiological processes, as well as the psychological impacts, of alopecia areata. Please note, due to a specific clause in the legacy funding this bursary, the 2022 PhD bursary is not open to research projects exploring other types of alopecia or experimental topical treatments. If you are interested in finding out more about the PhD Bursary, all the information you need including how to apply can be found here. It is amazing that one person's legacy gift has created such an amazing opportunity for alopecia areata research. Please consider leaving Alopecia UK a gift in your will to make a difference in the lives of those affected by alopecia. Find out more here.