Research Research Research Aims Funded Projects Participate in research Lay Research Panel Research Committee For Researchers Research Participate in Research Psychological support for alopecia areata (recruitment closed) Institution: Centre for Appearance Research, University of the West of England, Bristol Funded by: Alopecia UK (Research Pots 2022) Type of hair loss: alopecia areata Recruitment period: now closed - results will be shared on our website when they become available This research project aims to develop a usable set of recommendations for providing psychological support, to address the distress associated with alopecia areata. The researchers will use a ‘Delphi’ research method to form agreement between experts (including experts by lived experience, those with alopecia areata) on the key ingredients of psychological support for Alopecia. This will involve three rounds of online surveys, in which experts will give their views, then rate which ingredients of psychological support are most important. This will produce a list of key elements of psychological support, which we will then translate into recommendations. We will share these recommendations widely with people working in the NHS, charities like Alopecia UK, private clinicians, and people with Alopecia. It will also give us the evidence to apply for more funding to create and test an intervention based on these recommendations. They are looking for the following people to take part: 1) Experts by support role: those who have experience with providing psychological support in a formal capacity for people living with alopecia areata. This could include talking therapies, running support groups (in any format), or any other supportive consultation. 2) Experts by lived experience: Anyone who has alopecia and has received psychological support in any of the above ways for challenges related to alopecia areata. Participation would involve taking 3 online surveys over the next few months, though participants are free to stop taking part at any point. They are particularly looking for more men, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, and GPs to take part. To express your interest in taking part, please visit