Welcome to the Surrey group! Our group meetings are a safe place to share our stories (if you wish to, there is no pressure) and learn more about alopecia in it's various forms. Talking to others can help to gain an understanding about the different ways we are affected by our hair loss and the practical means by which we can help ourselves feel more confident in the way we look, act and feel. I look forward to meeting you. Elaine

What happens at the group?

Our group meetings are really informal and relaxed, it’s a really nice atmosphere. A few examples of the types of things we do at a group meeting are: inviting speakers to do Q & A’s on alopecia, wig demonstrations, social outings such as going for a meal and show and tell (not like the school show and tell !).

Please have a read of our Support Group Guidelines for more information on how our support groups run. 

Group dates:




Extra Meeting Details:

Monday 2nd September 2024

7.30pm-9.00pm Online (Zoom) Please contact Elaine directly for the meeting link

Monday 7th October 2024

7.30pm-9.00pm Online (Zoom) Please contact Elaine directly for the meeting link

Monday 4th November 2024

7.30pm-9.00pm Online (Zoom) Please contact Elaine directly for the meeting link
Monday 2nd December 2024 7.30pm-9.00pm Online (Zoom) Please contact Elaine directly for the meeting link

Please contact the group lead prior to attending a meeting so they can plan accordingly. 

Who can attend:

    This group is designed for any adult living with or affected by alopecia from the ages of 18 and above. 

    Contact details:

    Email: [email protected]
    Elaine is happy to answer any questions about the group and provide a listening ear at a time arranged by email. Please be aware that any questions Elaine is unable to answer will be sent on to staff at Alopecia UK.
    Support Group Leads are not professional counsellors but people who have personal experiences with alopecia and, along with members of the support group can help to give insight and advice on living and dealing with alopecia on a day to day basis. 
    Please note that our Support Group Leads are volunteers and do this in their spare time, as such please allow up to a week for replies to emails.

    Elaine's link with alopecia: 

    I was first diagnosed with alopecia aged 19 and have had hair loss patches of varying sizes over the last 30 years until 2015 when it suddenly progressed to Alopecia Universalis. I understand the fear and worry that dramatic changes to your appearance can have on your emotional wellbeing. Coming to Alopecia UK and meeting people with the same condition and hearing their experiences, suggestions and positivity gave me the courage to accept myself with or without hair and face the world without fear. Helping and supporting others on the same journey is my way of saying thank you for the help I have received.

    Elaine has had alopecia for over thirty years and currently has alopecia universalis.  

    If you have any feedback on this support group please consider leaving it here.

    Alternatively, if you have any Suggestions, Comments, Compliments or Complaints for the charity please do so here.