Support the work of Alopecia UK, feel a part of a caring community, and save money on products and services too!
This card begins on 1st April 2023 and is valid for as long as Alopecia UK offers the AUK Community Card Scheme. Cards will not be posted out until week commencing 27th March and discount code cannot be used before 1st April 2023.
Please read our full FAQs and T&Cs before making your purchase. You can find this information here.
Our AUK Community Card (previously known as ‘AUK VIP Card’) works in conjunction with our Service Directory and gives AUK Community Cardholders access to many discounts on offer from participating businesses.
You can find out about the discounts offered by participating businesses* on their individual Service Directory listing pages.
As well as discounts on products and services from participating Service Directory businesses, AUK Community Cardholders also receive unlimited amounts of warm, fuzzy feelings from knowing that they have supported the charity’s work by becoming an AUK Community Cardholder.
*If for any reason a business who has advertised a discount does not then give you the discount, we ask that you please let us know so that we can investigate further and ensure our Service Directory is up to date. Please note, not all Service Directory businesses offer discounts but most do! All businesses can amend or withdraw the discounts/perks they offer to AUK Community Cardholders at any time.
Entitles holder to:
Any discounts offered from any participating businesses listed on Alopecia UK's Service Directory
Unlimited warm fuzzy feelings by doing your bit for a small charity by being one of our Community Cardholders and supporting the work of Alopecia UK.