Ali Morrison's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Alexandra Morrison

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Jordana's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Jordana Wilks

I am an Alopecia fighter, and now i am setting up a fundraiser to support something very close to my heart.

Deb's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Debbie Walker

September is Alopecia Awareness Month - during this month I will be swimming 10K in open water to raise funds for Alopecia UK.

Kevin's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Kevin Middis

This August to raise MONEY and AWARENESS for Alopecia UK, I am taking part in the Great North Bike Ride. Alopecia UK is the largest alopecia charity in the UK but, as far as charities go, works off a tiny budget to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia – and does an excellent job of it! Alopecia UK relies on the support of fundraisers and donors to continue the fantastic work it does and it needs all the help it can get.

Sarah's, Sydney’s and Travis’ Great North Run for Alopecia UK

sarah caraher

Alopecia has claimed it’s 3rd victim in our family and it’s devastating to say the very least. We have heavily relied on this charity as it is over the last 10 years. Now we need them even more. Myself, Sydney and Travis will each take part in the Great North Run. Kids doing the shorter races.

Lauryn’s fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Lauryn Burch

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Sue's 5k a Day in May page for Alopecia UK

Amy Johnson

I am raising funds and awareness by walking 5k a day in May for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Robyn’s parish walk to Peel in aid of Alopecia UK

Robyn Corlett

I’d like to raise money for Alopecia UK because even though Alopecia is thought to be an autoimmune disorder, there hasn’t yet been a cure found. The money raised will go towards research projects and support groups for children and adults affected.

Ruth's attempt at, around 😜, 5k a Day in May page for Alopecia UK

Ruth Saville

I am raising funds and awareness by walking/running around 5k a day in May for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Joey Barratt’s 5k a Day in May page for Alopecia UK

Joey Barratt

I am raising funds and awareness by walking 5k a day in May for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Elizabeth Southgate's 5k a Day in May page for Alopecia UK

Elizabeth Southgate

My daughter has alopecia she is 14 years old, she has lost her eyebrows, eyelashes and patches of hair but most of all she has lost her confidence!

Izzy’s fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Isabella Johnston

I have been following this charity through my own alopecia journey. I think what they do is truly remarkable and I would love to be a part of that however small

Mollys Skydive For Alopecia UK

Molly Norman

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart. When I was 15/16 I started losing my hair and I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. I was lucky enough to receive medication which allowed my hair to grow back however, not everyone is this lucky. Therefore, I am doing this skydive to raise money so that the charity can help more people living with alopecia.

Rory Green's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Rory Green

I am raising money for Alopecia UK, a Charity close to my heart, after losing my Step Sister Alicia Pylypczuk in 2020.

Celeste's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Celeste Godden

I am running the Leeds half marathon in May to fundraise for the amazing charity Alopecia UK!

Stephen’s Legacy bike ride

Stephen Hall

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because it’s a charity close to my heart, due to my daughter Naomi having the condition and working for the charity.

Kat @ 2K Fitness's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Kathryn Kyle

I have always wanted to raise awareness and funding to help support those with Alopecia.
I was 14 years old when I developed Alopecia due to stress... by the age of 15, I had lost all my hair and had to wear a wig.
I know how difficult this can be for people at any age and would love to do my bit to help.

Chloe Ramage's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Chloe Ramage

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.I was diagnosed with alopecia just under 1 year ago in early 2023.Being only 9 years old and already having chronic eczema etc.,discovering I had alopecia and losing hair and eyelashes etc. Was really scary and confusing.Alopecia UK raises awarness,gives support,helps find treatments, holds and funds fantastic meetings,events, days out and trips to help sufferers meet other people who are going through the same hardships.

Annabelle's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Annabelle Reid

I am running the Edinburgh half-marathon to raise money for Alopecia UK. As someone who has alopecia areata the work this charity does to support those with it and research a treatment is very special to me.