Evie Smith's fundraising page for Alopecia UK featuring Team Friel

Michelle Smith

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Sam's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Sam Smith

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Pat Bennett’s fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Patricia Bennett

Because Alopecia UK actively supports sufferers of alopecia and funds research projects into causes and treatments of the condition.

Georgie's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Georgie Ruthven

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK to support the committee in its tireless pursuit of raising awareness, researching cures and bringing people together.

Debs park run fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Deborah Alford

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart. It’s such a small charity but needed & appreciated by so many x

Emma and Alison's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Emma Barker

Two Mum’s Fundraising for Alopecia Awareness month to help search for a cure, and support our 23-year old son and daughter in their challenges with the condition

Miranda's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Miranda Mackaness

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart.

Jen & Nick's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Jen Colyer

We've decided to walk/run 50km during September which is Alopecia Awareness Month to raise money for Alopecia UK. Please help us in our '50k for AUK' quest! Every penny counts.

Olivia and Carolyn's (Olivia’s mum) fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Carolyn Hale

Myself and my daughter Olivia are going to do a 5 mile walk on the 22nd of September to raise awareness of alopecia uk as it something which is close to our hearts which needs more research and treatment ❤️

Alice's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Alice Gilham

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because I want there to be more awareness around alopecia.

Shane's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Claire Wilmot

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because it’s a charity close to my heart and after rocking Alopecia for 7 years, I want to raise awareness.

Jen's going the distance for Alopecia UK

Jen Davies

Having grown up with alopecia, I understand what a rollercoaster of a journey alopecia is. Alopecia UK provide a space for us all to learn more about our condition, and find support via Support Groups, Facebook Groups and Events. This can only continue with your donations. I am going to be doing my first ever Park Run on 28th September, as a severe asthmatic, doing a continuous 5K route is a challenge but I am determined to do this to raise awareness and much needed funds for Alopecia UK.

Amy's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Amy Mifsud

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart. As you know, I have suffered with alopecia for the past 2 and 1/2 years. The physical and emotional effects of alopecia can be devastating. The medical options available are very limited. Alopecia UK needs all the support it can get to help support myself and others through this journey. This September (Alopecia Awareness Month) we are rallying our community to say loud and proud ‘We are worth it!’

Chloe’s 100 Miles

Chloe Smith

2018 I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, I lost my small patches of hair. 2021 I had total hair loss, a huge change & traumatic event. I now have a healthy head of hair again & AUK helped me in so many ways when I went through this.
I have previously raised £125 for AUK. I hope to exceed this with this challenge by walking 100 miles.

Wendy’s fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Wendy Halford

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because it’s a charity close to my heart.

Kiara Speede fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Kiara Speede

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart, having Alopecia myself and losing all my hair in December last year.

Grace Talbot's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Grace Talbot

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK having received my Androgenetic Alopecia diagnosis at 16 years old in 2020

Bonnie's sponsored swim-a-thon for Alopecia UK

Adele Williams

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart as my mum has got alopecia and lost all her hair in September last year.

Rosie's fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Rosie Hulme

I am fundraising for Alopecia UK because its a charity close to my heart. I have had episode's of Alopecia Areata which results in all my hair falling out. Having a bald head is very difficult when you are 10 years old but I am confident person and with the help of my family and friends I am dealing with my alopecia. I want other children who have alopecia to get the help they need with Alopecia UK support groups, advice on wigs and ongoing research into the causes.

Isaac’s fundraising page for Alopecia UK

Kate O-D

Isaac has had alopecia since he was 2.8 years old. He has benefited greatly from this wonderful charity, both in person, online, and at home, with support that means the kids can go to groups, fun events, do zoom activities and most importantly see they aren’t alone. Alopecia UK do a fantastic job for all ages, but as a child with visual differences, it’s been so important to Isaac and us to have their support.