The 'Donate' button on this page will allocate your donation to our Alopecia Awareness Month 2024 appeal page. If you would like to donate to an individual fundraiser's own fundraising page (their fundraising page total still contributes to the overall appeal target), please find them here and click the pink 'Donate' button on their individual page.

September is Alopecia Awareness Month, a month dedicated to spreading the word about alopecia and raising much-needed funds for Alopecia UK. 

This year we are rallying our community to say loud and proud 'We are worth it!' and we will be highlighting some of the issues faced by our community and letting people know that we are worth of better care, fairer treatment pathways, increased understanding from public and professionals, reduced societal stigma, and a charity with sufficient resources to support those in need. 

We need your help to continue the work we do. Can you help us to hit our Alopecia Awareness Month 2024 appeal target by making either a donation or doing some fundraising?  

Once again, we are asking our community to sign up as Charity Champions, to raise awareness and funds for Alopecia UK. Any money raised by our Charity Champions will help Alopecia UK continue its work around our core aims of Support, Awareness and Research. 

This year we are asking our Charity Champions to 'Go the Distance for Alopecia UK', to create an awareness and fundraising challenge with their own distance target. It could be running a 26.2mile marathon, walking a 10k, swimming 50 laps of the pool, or skydiving 10,000ft. Whatever the distance, our Charity Champions will make a big difference in the lives of those affected by alopecia. 

Here are just a few examples of how your fundraising can help to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia: 

£3 can help us to produce awareness materials to educate medical professionals and the general public about alopecia and its psychological impact

£5 can help us to continue to run our Facebook communities, telephone helpline and emails to assist those in need of advice and support

£10 can help us to support a child with alopecia by sending their teachers a Schools Pack to educate their peers, along with providing advice to parents 

£25 could contribute to the running costs of our nationwide network of support groups and training the volunteers who lead them

£50 could help us to provide more events for children and young people to instil confidence and improve self-esteem

£100 could contribute to research to explore the causes and treatments of alopecia 

Thank you for supporting Alopecia UK!