Welcome to the Somerset group!

What happens at the group?

Our group is very informal, we have tea/coffee and a chat – it's all very relaxed. I do organise wig demonstrations and alternative headwear sessions. I am happy to take requests from the group and arrange what I can.

Please have a read of our Support Group Guidelines for more information on how our support groups run. 

Group dates:

Date: Time: Location: Extra Meeting Details:
Saturday 14th September 2024 11.00am-1.00pm Monks Yard, Horton Cross Farm, Ilminster, TA19 9PY  
Saturday 23rd November 2024 11.00am-1.00pm Monks Yard, Horton Cross Farm, Ilminster, TA19 9PY  There will be a wig demonstration with Julie Beale at this meeting.

Please contact the group lead prior to attending a meeting so they can plan accordingly. 

Who can attend:

This group is designed for any adult living with or affected by alopecia from the ages of 18 and above. 

Contact details:

Email: [email protected]
Carolyn is happy to answer any questions about the group via email. Please be aware that any questions Carolyn is unable to answer will be sent on to staff at Alopecia UK.
Support group leads are not professional counsellors but people who have personal experiences with alopecia and, along with members of the support group can help to give insight and advice on living and dealing with alopecia on a day to day basis. 
Please note that our Support Group Leads are volunteers and do this in their spare time, as such please allow up to a week for replies to emails. Support group leads also cannot give 1:1 support.

Carolyn's link with alopecia: 

Carolyn had diffuse alopecia areata. She was diagnosed in June 2016 after feeling like she had been going round in circles for two and a half years. Having had 2 wrong diagnoses and being sent from doctors to specialists, and after many blood tests and a biopsy, she finally had an answer that made some sense.

From Carolyn:
"I felt completely alone initially and that nobody was listening or could possibly understand how I was feeling. By talking to others in the same pickle I realised I'm far from alone and so many have had such a similar journey. I sometimes have hair for a few months of the year but it falls back out so I don't trust it and I would not be able to get out of the door without something on my head. So I do understand the personal feelings you may be going through eg 'Am I going mad?' 'Am I being vain?' plus the worthless or helpless feelings of being alone. I really would like to offer support at whatever stage of the journey people are on, with whichever type of alopecia they may have as you are not alone. At present I have regrowth, but do not trust it as it may well do a wash and go."

If you have any feedback on this support group please consider leaving it here.

Alternatively, if you have any Suggestions, Comments, Compliments or Complaints for the charity please do so here.