News & Events News September 2022 Round Up Another September has been and gone, meaning Alopecia Awareness Month is over. Once again, we were very lucky to have some lovely people sign up as Charity Champions raising lots of awareness and funds for Alopecia UK. Our Charity Champions did a tremendous job this year and have been involved in lots of different activities to raise awareness and funds. We've had sponsored walks, runs, headshaves, family fun days, danceathons, step climbs, cake sales and more! We set our Charity Champions at total of £10,000 and they smashed it, helping to bring in a whopping £20,839 (at time of writing with donations still open!) This is an amazing effort considering that the number of individual Charity Champions dropped considerably this year. We expected that the cost of living crisis would have an impact, and it has, but for our Champs to raise over £20k this September is an incredible achievement and the money will be put to good use to help us with our aims of Support, Awareness and Research! Thank you Charity Champions! Also included in our September total is the £1,431 raised by Simply Wigs with their Charity Wig Bank Day. Find out more about that here. As well as all the amazing efforts from our Charity Champions and others, Alopecia UK worked hard to step up its awareness communications in September. We increased our reach on all our social media platforms with a combined total of over 300 posts across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Plus over 100 additional posts added to Facebook and Instagram Stories and over 400 retweets. All this contributed to us reaching thousands more people than in the previous month, bringing more people to our website too! And for our website users, in September we added 14 new blogs with a mixture of experiences from the alopecia community. If you haven't had a look through our blogs posts recently, we recommend having a browse! It is great to have a month dedicated to raising awareness of alopecia but for Alopecia UK, awareness is a 12 month a year aim, not just for September. We will continue to do what we can to raise awareness of alopecia from now until next September! The sum raised in September is FANTASTIC and will really help us to continue our work. The Autumn and Winter months are typically quieter months in terms of fundraising, and we expect the cost of living crisis will continue to have an impact on our income. Whilst our Charity Champions smashed our target of £10,000, the amount raised is approximately half the amount raised last year. This leads us to an ask... If any of you can afford to give a monthly gift to Alopecia UK, no matter how small, we would appreciate it now more than ever. If Alopecia UK can increase the number of monthly gifts it receives, it would help us at this challenging time for small charities. Perhaps you can give us the cost of a takeaway coffee, or a glass of wine. Every donation makes a difference to us. Alopecia UK is a small national charity supporting thousands of people with alopecia every year. We are delighted to report that our number of monthly donors has increased to 150 wonderfully generous individuals (huge thanks to each of them!) These monthly gifts provide us with a steady, regular income stream that is so crucial to a small charity like Alopecia UK. If we could increase the number of individuals giving us a monthly gift, it would provide some regular income in uncertain times. If you are able to help us with a monthly gift, you can set up your donation here.