News & Events Alopecia; My Way - Looking for contributors for Alopecia Awareness Month 2022! September is a busy time in the alopecia world. It is when we call on YOU to help us build awareness and get fundraising during our Alopecia Awareness Month. Our theme for this year is ‘Alopecia; My Way’, and we want to share as many different experiences as we possibly can! We especially want to share stories from those we don’t see represented as visibly as others within the alopecia community, for example men with alopecia and people from minoritised groups. Saying that, we welcome contributions from ANYONE who is willing to share their experiences. Stories matter, they inspire and reassure – we see ourselves reflected in them We know how comforting and inspiring it can be to hear from those who share similar stories to ourselves. Instantly, we can feel less alone and more connected to other people. And on top of helping others, you will be helping yourself, it can be cathartic to document your experience including the pain, disappointment, joy, acceptance, or change – whatever your story, it will be influential and make an impression on someone. We know that telling your story, in your words, can really boost your own confidence. This September, Alopecia UK would like to share lots of new content and hear from new voices (and old ones too!) but we can only do that with the help of the wonderful alopecia community. If you are able to, please share! Your story carries weight, it is meaningful – but it cannot make a difference if you keep it to yourself. Can you help tell us about alopecia your way, with any of the following? Photos and short quotes for social media. Suggested short 50 (or more or less) word quotes to go with the hashtag #AlopeciaMyWay. Our suggestions for those short soundbites are things like: Advice for others - e.g. “If I could give one piece of advice to others with alopecia it would be…” Reflections on feelings -e.g. “Initially when my hair fell out, I felt…X years on, I feel…” Sharing positivity - e.g. “A positive thing that has come as a result of my alopecia is…” or “An unexpected perk of having alopecia is…” Sharing challenges - e.g. “I think the biggest challenge of having alopecia is…” or “The most annoying thing about alopecia is…” Things that have helped - e.g. “Finding the perfect wig for me is the thing that helped me get my confidence back” or “Getting my brows microbladed helped me to feel like me again” How has Alopecia UK helped -e.g. “Being in touch with others via Alopecia UK has helped me to feel…” or “I love attending Alopecia UK events because….” Blogs, articles and stories for our website. 800-1500 words (word count can be flexible!). Suggestions include: My Alopecia Story/Journey Ups and Downs/Highs and Lows Experiences of a single aspect of having alopecia - e.g. being a parent who has alopecia, being someone in the public eye with alopecia, working in particular job, being a parent of a child with alopecia, Experiences with products and services - e.g. wigs, headwear, permanent make up, make up etc. Specific activities - e.g. alopecia and travel, alopecia and exercise, alopecia and dating ‘Dear Alopecia’ – an opportunity to write to alopecia and tell it what you think of it! An opportunity to be reflective on whether feelings have changed over time. Letters to past selves – write a letter to an earlier self, possibly back to when you were first diagnosed – what would you like to tell yourself at that point in time knowing what you know now. Video content for Alopecia UK to share in September. Short soundbite clips about your thoughts and experiences about alopecia. Or perhaps longer tutorial videos about wigs/headscarves/camouflage products. If you can help, please email [email protected] with the subject 'Alopecia; My Way' and your content, or get in touch with us if you have any queries. Ideally, we’d like to receive any new content by Sunday 31st July so that we can develop our communications plan for September. As with previous years, we will soon be seeking new Charity Champions to join us in time for September! You can become an AUK Charity Champion at any point of the year but each September we try to get lots of you involved in raising awareness and funds during Alopecia Awareness Month. It is AMAZING to see what the alopecia community can do when it comes together and we really hope September 2022 will be no different! Find out more about becoming a Charity Champion here.