Have you decided that you want to fundraise for Alopecia UK but stuck for ideas? Our A-Z of fundraising ideas might help to inspire you! Our A-Z contains over 100 different fundraising ideas - hopefully something for everyone! 

A - Auction of Promises, Abseil, Afternoon Tea, Art Exhibition

B - Bingo, Bungee Jump, Bake Sale, Battle of the Bands, Barn Dance, BBQ, Book Sale, Bad Hair Day, Baked Bean Bath!

C - Cycling, Car Boot Sale, Car Wash, Craft Sale, Coffee Morning, Casino Evening, Carol Singing, Copper Collection, Cricket Match, Coconut Shy

D - Dress Down Day (simple and popular!), Disco, 'Ditch the Chocolate', Duck Race, Dog Show, Darts Tournament, Dinner Party

E - eBay Sale, Easter Egg Hunt, Egg and Spoon Race, Eating Competition

F - Fancy Dress, Face Painting, Facebook Birthday Fundraisers, Fun Day, Football Match, Fashion Show, Fete, Film Evening

G - Guess the Name, Guess the Weight, Golf Tournament, Go Karting, Garage Sale, Guest Speaker, Garden Party, Give It Up, Games Night

H - Head Shave, Hair Cut, How Many Sweets In the Jar, Halloween Party, Hook-a-Duck

I - Ironing (offer your ironing services for a donation- rather you than us!), It's A Knockout

J - Jumble Sale, Jazz Evening, Jewellery Making/Sale

K - Karaoke Night, Knitting

L - Left Handed Day, Line Dancing, Ladies Night, Livestream Event

M - Marathon Events, Mini-Olympics, Music Concert, Matched Giving (ask your employer to match your fundraising efforts), Mad Hatter's Party

N - Nature Trail, New Year's Eve Party, Nail Art, Non-Uniform Day, Name the...teddy, bear, bunny

O - Opera Night, Office Sweepstake (Grand National, World Cup & other sporting events provide good options), Obstacle Challenge Events, Open Garden

P - Picnic, Pantomime, Parachute Jump, Pancake Race, Parties, Pool Competition, ParkRun

Q - Quizzes (Pub, Office, School - lots of options)

R - Race Nights, Raffles, Roll the Dice, Recipe Books, Running Events

S - Swimming Events, Sponsored Silence, Swap Shop, Silver Collections

T - Three Peaks Challenge, Tombola, Tea Party, Treasure Hunt, Talent Show, Tuck Shop, Table-top Sale

U - Unwanted Presents Sale, Uniform-Free Day, University Challenge

V - Variety Show, Valentine's Ball, Vintage Sale, Virtual Challenge Events

W - Wear Blue for Alopecia UK Day, Walks, Welly Throwing, Waxing, Wine Tasting

X - X-Factor Competition

Y - Yoga Evening

Z - Zumba, Zip Wire

In this blog post we focus more closely on five of our most popular fundraising activities; running events, hair cuts and head shaves, dress down days, Facebook birthday fundraisers and virtual challenge events. 

Reviewed by Alopecia UK on 04/07/2024