We are looking forward to the return of face to face support groups this Summer (hopefully!). In the meantime, we have other support options for you to get involved in!
Private Facebook Groups

Our private Facebook groups provide a convenient way to connect with others, share experiences and gain advice and support. Our main Facebook group has over 9,000 members! We have the following Facebook groups available: 

Alopecia Café

Our Alopecia Café meetings offer the opportunity to meet others with alopecia in a virtual meeting space, with separate meetings taking place each month for both adults with alopecia and parents of children with alopecia. 

Online Support Meetings for Children aged 7-12

We are continuing to hose online meetings for children with alopecia aged 7-12. Details can be found here

'Talk Hair Loss' Podcast

Our monthly 'Talk Hair Loss' podcast provides the chance to listen to others with alopecia and gain support from hearing about different experiences and journeys. Listen here now

Local Support Group Meetings

Some local support group leaders are offering virtual meetings. Get in touch with them directly to find out if they have any meetings coming up. Find your nearest support group here