Support & Advice Service Directory Skulltec Scalp Micropigmentation Clinics Skulltec are a multi-award winning Scalp Micropigmentation clinic offering the quality experience born from the passion we put into helping our clients. Website: Facebook: @SkulltecScalpmicropigmentation Telephone: 07388 017 121 Email: [email protected] Address 1: No3 Argyle house,Gandy StreetExeterEX43LS Address 2: Room 203 Mirren Court One, 119 Renfrew Road, Paisley, Glasgow, PA3 4EA Discount available to AUK Community Cardholders: 20% Products and services: Scalp Micropigmentation Alopecia UK Disclaimer All services have paid to be included in the Alopecia UK Service Directory. This payment covers the costs of maintaining the directory and supports the work of Alopecia UK. Whilst Alopecia UK takes care to ensure the accuracy of the information we can not accept liability for any inaccuracies. Further, Alopecia UK provides this information as a resource only and does not in any way endorse the products or services being offered.