The production team on CBBC’s Saturday Mash-Up - a fun-filled Saturday morning live TV show for CBBC- have asked us to advertise an opportunity for a confident and lively child to feature on their show. Saturday Mash-Up features games, celebrity guests, live music, silly sketches and of course, lots of slime! It’s a bit like a modern version of ‘Live & Kicking’ or ‘SM:TV Live’.

They are currently in production of our 6th Series and are looking for confident and lively children, between the ages of 8-12 to take part in some of our games (in studio as well as video call) during the show or be in with the chance of being in our live studio audience.  

How To Get Involved in Studio / Video Call-in Games:

The production team need the parent/guardian of the child/children to complete some paperwork and then upload to our Dropbox. 


We need the parent/guardian to send in:

  • this completed application form
  • a photo of their child
  • a 30 second video of their child explaining why they want to be on the show

Your child can be as creative as they like with the short video! Please ensure you label each file with your child’s name and upload all 3 files to this Dropbox folder (you don’t need a Dropbox account to do this).

They are looking for children to take part from now to December 2023. Early applications are strongly encouraged!

Other Ways to Get Involved:

For quieter children, they can still get involved in the show at any time by sending in any Mash-Up related pictures or letters they might want to create! To upload drawings or other artwork, they just need to go to: Join in- Send us your stuff, on the CBBC website.

Please feel free to share this information, forward this email and application form to your members and do let us know if you think it would be of interest!

You can watch previous episodes of Saturday Mash Up here on BBC iPlayer.

Why does Alopecia UK advertise opportunities like this?

You may wonder what this has to do with alopecia and the answer is 'nothing'! But opportunities like this provide a brilliant chance for children with alopecia to see someone 'just like them' on their favourite TV shows. Representation of children with alopecia and other visible differences is so important for children to feel accepted and we are pleased to do our bit to support this. Last year, a fabulous young person with alopecia called Lucy appeared on Saturday Mash-Up. According to Lucy's mum, she 'absolutely loved it!'.