Nominations are open now!

Nominate an inspiring young person for our Hannah Dennis Alopecia Awareness Award 2023

Being awarded for the fourth time in September 2023, the Hannah Dennis Alopecia Awareness Award is given out annually to a child or young person (aged 3-23) in recognition of their efforts to raise awareness of alopecia.

About the Award

At Alopecia UK, we are very lucky to be in touch with some fabulous young people who work hard to raise awareness of alopecia. This might involve raising awareness in their school or college, or spreading the word in their local community, and/or fundraising for Alopecia UK.

We are excited to be welcoming nominations again for this award to celebrate achievements in alopecia awareness, whilst honouring the memory of a wonderful friend to Alopecia UK, Hannah Dennis.

About Hannah

Hannah Dennis is a much-loved volunteer and supporter of Alopecia UK who sadly passed away in 2018. Hannah did so much in her life to raise awareness of alopecia after she was diagnosed with alopecia areata at the age of 14, losing all her hair at the age of 16.

Hannah created videos on YouTube to help others with alopecia and to raise awareness of the condition. Hannah was a proud champion of Alopecia UK and would regularly signpost her own followers back to the charity and raise awareness of our work. 

Alopecia UK is extremely proud to continue Hannah’s legacy of alopecia awareness and ensure her contributions to the alopecia community are never forgotten.

Last year’s winner – well done Delena!

The third Hannah Dennis Alopecia Awareness Award went to Delena Thompson – congratulations Delena!

Delena's awareness efforts included writing a book to raise awareness of alopecia, speaking about alopecia on TV and on podcasts, and held a 'School's Out Summer Party' to raise money for Alopecia UK. 

Delena said: It feels so good to have won, I feel really happy!”.

Read more about Delena’s experience of winning the Hannah Dennis Award here.

Hannah's Legacy

We are delighted to continue with the Hannah Dennis Alopecia Awareness Award to not only recognise the awareness efforts of fantastic young people within the alopecia community, but also keeps the memory alive of a fabulous young woman who was taken from us too soon. 

Alopecia UK's Operations Manager, Amy Johnson, adds: "It is an honour to launch our 4th year of the Hannah Dennis Alopecia Awareness Award. At our latest Alton Towers event, as I looked at all the amazing young people there, I thought how much Hannah would have loved that the charity is now in touch with more children and teenagers than ever before. Hannah was always so passionate about helping other young people, and I am thrilled that this award continues to honour her legacy and ensure she always has a place within our community". 

How to nominate a young person for the award

To be eligible, the nominee will have participated in some alopecia awareness activity in the 12 months prior to the date of nomination. Nominees must be aged 3 -23 and live in the UK. Our online nomination form will open from Tuesday 3rd May 2023 (what would have been Hannah's 29th birthday) and will close on Monday 24th July 2023.


The Judging Process

Nominations received will be judged by a panel that includes Hannah’s parents Stephen and Elaine Dennis, Alopecia UK founder Vicky Rees, Alopecia UK Youth Voice Board Member Chloe Hill and Alopecia UK's Operations Manager Amy Johnson. 

The winner of the Hannah Dennis Award is not chosen from the number of votes received for an individual, but will be scored against a set list of judging criteria. All it could take is for one nomination that really shows the judging panel how that nominee has raised alopecia awareness!

The winner will be announced during Alopecia Awareness Month, September 2023 (Exact date TBC).

If you have any questions please email the Alopecia UK team on: [email protected]