One of our youngest fundraisers at the moment is Eliza. We caught up with her, and mum Hannah, to find out how they've been raising funds and awareness..

Eliza, how old are you and what have you been doing to help Alopecia UK?

I am 7-years-old, and I have been selling my toys that I no longer play with to raise money for Alopecia UK. 

It is lovely that you have sold your unwanted toys to raise funds for us. What is your favourite toy that you definitely wouldn't want to sell?

My favourite toy is definitely my interactive make-up unicorn!

Wow, that sounds amazing! I think we all need an interactive make-up unicorn! We met you at our Alton Towers event last year. What were your favourite parts of the day?

I liked making new friends, seeing people just like me (even adults!) and I loved the rides! My favourite was the rollercoaster in CBeebies Land. I'm hoping this year I will be a little taller so I can join the group to go on the bigger rides!

Hannah, how long has Eliza had alopecia and what has been your experience of it?

Eliza began losing patches at the age of 2 and a half, although at that time they always seemed to grow back. Her real alopecia journey started when she was 4 within 5 months Eliza had gone from beautiful long blonde hair to patch after patch and then it just all fell out. 

It's been a rollercoaster, watching her lose her hair. It broke my heart, but it's not just the hair she lost. She lost her confidence and her spark and that was horrible. However, slowly but surely my little Eliza is coming back, she has a confidence but a different kind. 

It's great to hear Eliza's confidence is back. What do you think has helped?

I think what's helped is that I allow Eliza to make decisions, whether it's shaving, colouring or leaving hair to grow, it's 100% up to Eliza. If she wants to shave it, that's what we do, and if she doesn't then we embrace the new growth. We have tried a few wigs but Eliza just didn't like them and I always found them to look too full and, therefore, not natural. 

Also, Alopecia UK has been amazing. Eliza has taken part in a lot of the online meetings for children, which were great, and a science party just recently. Our best experience was definitely the Alton Towers trip organised by Alopecia UK. It was such a mixture of emotions but it was just the best! To see Eliza run around so care-free with children just like her was something special! The whole day you really felt at ease and I left feeling like we'd become part of something really special. 

What would you say is the biggest challenge?

The main challenges that we face are the reactions from other people, mainly the staring and the calling her a boy. I've always tried to encourage Eliza to use her voice and to say that she has alopecia but she's always been too shy, she used to tell people "I shaved my hair off because I told my mummy that I wanted to" but the last few months she has found her inner confidence and will say with, some help by me, that she has alopecia. I can't put into words how amazing and courageous children are, all I know is that I'm beyond proud of Eliza! 

Eliza has, at time of writing, raised a whopping £1,162.00 for Alopecia UK which is an incredible amount! If you would like to leave a little donation and message of support for Eliza, you can find her fundraising page here