News & Events News AUK Service Directory - Now Accepting Applications! Do you have a business (or know of one) that offers products and services for those with hair loss? We would like to connect the alopecia community to more companies that can help! Our application process is now open, until the end of March, for new businesses to join the Alopecia UK Service Directory. By joining now you will qualify for extra perks, such as inclusion in the printed Blue Pages resource, and additional advertising opportunities. The Directory is an important resource on our website that allows those affected by alopecia to locate relevant products and services across the UK. It is packed with businesses which offer services that can be helpful to those with alopecia, such wigs, hair systems, headwear, permanent make up and more. If you are a business and interested in being included then we’d love to connect with you. You can read more about it here. If you are someone with alopecia who knows of a fantastic business in your local area then we’d love it if you can help us make this business accessible to more people. To recommend a business please complete this form here. We especially want to add further businesses from: Wales Northern Ireland Scotland Channel Islands With your help. we can make the Service Directory as good as it can be for those affected by alopecia in the UK!