Alopecia UK (AUK) and Helping Alopecia Trust (HAT), a charity registered in Northern Ireland, are pleased to announce that they have entered advanced negotiations that both charities hope will lead to a potential merger.  So far discussions have gone extremely well, with a great deal of agreement on objectives and strategy from both sides.  It is anticipated that the merger, if successful, will enable the combined charity to become the foremost organisation, within Northern Ireland, dedicated to supporting all those with Alopecia, raising awareness and looking to drive research into a potential cure.

Whilst the final timetable has yet to be decided, both sets of Trustees are keen to see a successful merger within the next six months.  Discussions are continuing and it is hoped that the charities will be able to agree a final structure that suits all concerned in the coming months.

Simon Ray, Chair of Trustees, for AUK said: “We have always been impressed with the work done by HAT and as a result AUK never really had a presence within Northern Ireland.  This merger presents an opportunity for us to build on the considerable work already done by HAT and adds to our already strong links, and support, with alopecia organisations in the Republic of Ireland.  I truly believe we can use synergies of both organisations to provide greater support and awareness, whilst reducing the administrative overheads.”

Stuart Long, Chair of Trustees, for HAT added: “We felt it was important that the time had come for HAT to be taken to the next level of its development and joining with our friends within AUK seems to be the best route to achieve this.  We are delighted that we have been able to have such positive discussions with AUK regarding the merger.  There is still much work to be done to help all those with Alopecia within Northern Ireland but, as a combined charity, we feel that challenge will be made easier.”


For further information, please contact:

Amy Johnson (Communications Manager - Alopecia UK) – [email protected]

Stuart Long (Trustee – Helping Alopecia Trust) – [email protected]