Did you know you can raise funds for Alopecia UK, at no extra cost to yourself, when you shop with a large number of retailers online?

Over the past few years, we have been lucky to have people use Amazon Smile or easyfundraising to raise funds for Alopecia UK whilst shopping online. 

Amazon has just announced that Amazon Smile will close in February. Thank you to everyone who had signed up to Amazon Smile for us. We are sad to hear this small income stream for Alopecia UK will come to an abrupt end. We would like to encourage more people to sign up to easyfundraising.org.uk which will continue to offer the opportunity to raise additional funds for Alopecia UK, whilst shopping online, at no extra cost to yourself. 

Participating retailers with easyfundraising include, John Lewis, M&S, Tesco, eBay, Etsy, Asda, TUI, trainline, booking.com, Travelodge  - there are LOADS! 

If you sign up to easyfundraising via our link below before 31st March 2023 and earn £5 of donations in 12 months, Alopecia UK will receive a bonus £5. If we can get lots of you to sign up to this platform, these small amounts really will add up! 

Sign up to easyfundraising via our link

We currently have 145 supporters on easyfundraising who raised £13.09 for Alopecia UK in the past 30 days. This might not sound like a lot but remember it is money donated at no extra cost to the shoppers involved! And just imagine if we had more people sign up - there is power and strength in numbers! We have thousands of people in our Facebook group, following us on social media, visiting our website and on our mailing list. We just need lots of you to get behind us!

easyfundraising is also available as an app too! (Search easyfundraising in your app store)

If online shopping is not your thing, perhaps you would consider making a small monthly donation to Alopecia UK. Last year, just over £1,000 was donated to us from Amazon Smile. If just 30 of you wonderful people would commit to giving Alopecia UK £3 a month, this would equate to the same as what we received from Amazon Smile last year. 

Start a monthly donation here

Thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciated.