Eire has had Alopecia Areata since she was 4, going through various stages with just a few small patches to a full head of hair, to 80% hair loss last year.

We decided to join the Alopecia UK day at Alton Towers this year and it was just an amazing experience full of fun, laughter and positivity! This year, as part of Alopecia Awareness month, we have decided to do a little fundraising of our own.

My friends Lisa and Bex, and Eire and I will be taking part in our own fundraiser where we are walking the equivalent of Cupar to Alton Towers between us, 284.3 miles, throughout September!

If you can donate, no matter how small a donation, please do! If you can't donate, please share this link with family and friends and help us raise awareness, thank you !! Debbie Munro