Alopecia UK is a small charity working to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia. The charity has aims around Support, Awareness and Research.

A work colleague's Sister has suffered with hair loss from a young school age and for over 20 years now. We all know how cruel people can be to each other!

On the 14th October I'll be attempting to complete the York Marathon, my 2nd ever Marathon, the first one I wasn't fresh, but this time I'm going for a PB!

Alopecia has no cure – it’s some kind of immune system disorder – and although the physical symptoms aren’t as bad some other illnesses, the psychological impact can be immense, and there is very little sufferers can do about it except learn to live with it.

Alopecia UK relies on the support of fundraisers and donors to continue the fantastic work it does.

Please help me in my quest for that PB but more importantly with this great cause.

Thank you for supporting me with my fundraising efforts. I really appreciate your support and so does Alopecia UK!

Daniel Allen