My 10 year old Daughter, Lola, suffers from Alopecia, and has done since the age of 4.

Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss. We still don’t know what “triggers” the immune system to attack healthy hair follicles when people have Alopecia Areata, or even if these triggers first happen inside the body (e.g. from an infection) or outside the body (from something in your environment) and it could easily be combination of both of these.

There is currently no cure for Alopecia, however, there are a variety of treatments on offer: unfortunately, none are guaranteed to work.

Sadly this disease causes all manner of emotional and psychological challenges for those that suffer from it; unfortunately for too long has just been viewed as a "cosmetic" problem, and not receiving the funding or focus needed to help tackle the disease.

Alopecia UK is a small charity working to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia. The charity has aims around Support, Awareness and Research.

Alopecia UK relies on the support of fundraisers and donors to continue the fantastic work it does.

This year to raise money for Alopecia UK, I am taking part in a number of running events, of varying distance, as detailed in my blog.

I will be joined on the GNR by Gary Young and Declan Clark who are helping raise funds and awareness for Alopecia UK.

Thank you for supporting me the fundraising efforts. I really appreciate your support and so does Alopecia UK! Neil Henderson