This September I am raising money for Alopecia UK with a sponsored haircut. Alopecia is an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss. In February 2021 our (then) four year old son developed alopecia areata, losing approximately a third of his hair in a month. It was a confusing and emotional time for us as parents with lots of research and questions. We will never be 100% sure what caused the alopecia. Our son's hair is currently in a phase of re-growth.

Alopecia UK was invaluable in providing the information we needed and helping us make good choices for our son. The Facebook Group, online "cafes" and webinars were particularly helpful.

Alopecia UK is a small charity working to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia. I'm hoping to smash my target of £500 with a sponsored haircut.

My hair will go to the Little Princess Trust who provide real hair wigs free of charge to children and young people who have lost their own hair due to cancer treatment and other conditions such as alopecia. I heard about Little Princess Trust wigs at an Alopecia UK online event and made a decision to grow and donate my hair - I am hoping to send 30cm!

Thank you for supporting me with my fundraising efforts. I really appreciate your support and so does Alopecia UK.

Katie H