I am running the Great North Run for Alopecia UK. Alopecia is an autoimmune condition which causes hair loss. Alopecia UK works to support those with this condition; to raise awareness among health professionals and the general public; and to fund research into the causes and potential future cures for alopecia. There are currently no cures or effective treatments for this condition. 

I developed alopecia totalis (which means I lost all of the hair on my head) in late 2019. Although my hair has now grown back,  I remain incredibly grateful for the support provided by Alopecia UK during this time. In particular the Facebook support group, run by staff and volunteers from the charity, proved to be a real source of support, kindness and sensible advice. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to go through this experience without their support. 

When I decided to run my first half marathon it felt obvious to use the opportunity to raise money for Alopecia UK to help their vital work continue. 

You can follow my training journey through Instagram on @running_jennie

Jennifer Rowlands