I'm Gwen, I'm 15 and I've had alopecia areata for 3 and a half years. I'm a member of the Youth Voice Board and in the past, I've fund-raised for Alopecia UK twice, raising around £600. This year, for Alopecia Awareness Month, I'm hoping to smash this amount by doing a 10k charity walk. Along with my friends Bea and Lucy, I've organised a charity walk around my home town of Stockport for my friends and family to take part in (you can see on my instagram @alopecia.gwen for updates!!).
I'm really looking forward to it and I'm hoping to raise loads of funds for this charity so close to my heart.

💙 UPDATE! 💙 We completed the walk on the 17th September. We had so much fun, spreading awareness and raising funds. Huge thank you to everyone who took part! Gwen Flint