Alopecia UK is a small charity working to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia. The charity has aims around Support, Awareness and Research.

It is so important to increase awareness of the impact alopecia can have to a suffers self esteem and to treat the condition with the sensitivity it deserves. Often suffers need support to be upfront about their condition and to have the confidence to speak about it to others.

Alopecia UK relies on the support of fundraisers and donors to continue the fantastic work it does. So please be generous and donate as much as you can.

I would like to thank the medical dermatology staff at Tameside Hospital and Salford Royal Hospital where I have been treated. Also, a big thanks to my colleagues at Nestle Health Science who have been very supportive when I raised my condition to them at work and who are supporting me for the Great Manchester Run.

Thank you for all your support with my fundraising efforts. I really appreciate your it and so does Alopecia UK!

Adib Millin-Chalabi