"Welcome to the Birmingham & West Midlands Support Group. We meet every two months usually in Birmingham City Centre as this is the most central location for members of the group but accessible by public transport. Our members suffer from a variety of alopecia, some are new sufferers, and some have had the condition quite some time. We can honestly say that after attending a meeting for the first time we always hear positive feedback about how good and useful it has been to meet other people that actually understand the condition." 

What happens at a Group? 

We meet up to talk, discuss ideas and support each other. We think this helps our members deal with their condition. We look forward to welcoming anyone that would like to attend our meetings

Please have a read of our Support Group Guidelines for more information on how our support groups run. 

Group dates:

Date: Time: Location: Extra Meeting Details: 

Saturday 5th October 2024


St Martin in the Bullring, Edgbaston Street, Birmingham, B5 5BB

Saturday 7th December 2024


St Martin in the Bullring, Edgbaston Street, Birmingham, B5 5BB

Please contact the group lead prior to attending a meeting so they can plan accordingly. 

Who can attend:

This group is designed for any adult living with or affected by alopecia from the ages of 18 and above.

Contact details:

Marie Swift
Email: [email protected]
 Marie is happy to answer any questions about the group via email. Please be aware that any questions Marie is unable to answer will be sent on to staff at Alopecia UK.
Support group leads are not professional counsellors but people who have personal experiences with alopecia and, along with members of the support group can help to give insight and advice on living and dealing with alopecia on a day to day basis. 
Please note that our Support Group Leads are volunteers and do this in their spare time, as such please allow up to a week for replies to emails. Support group leads also cannot give 1:1 support.

Marie's link to alopecia: 

Marie's link with alopecia:
Marie has had alopecia since she was 24. It started as alopecia areata and her patches varied in size over a number of years. Later on it developed into alopecia totalis. For 16 years she chose to wear a wig to hide her condition. She made the decision to show all the world on her 40th birthday and has since spent every day wigless, only wearing a hat to protect her head from the sun or the cold and spreading awareness of alopecia. Although running the Birmingham group, Marie is actually from Coventry and travels into Birmingham to attend the meetings.

If you have any feedback on this support group please consider leaving it here.

Alternatively if you have any Suggestions, Comments, Compliments or Complaints for the charity please do so here.