New banknotes featuring the portrait of King Charles III have now entered circulation but it may be some time before one reaches your hands. When you get your first fiver (or higher denomination note), we're asking you to consider donating that amount to Alopecia UK to support the work we do. 

Our ask is inspired by the #FirstFiver campaign which was started by a fundraiser called John Thompson who, in 2016, suggested that people donate their first polymer banknote to charities and spread the word on social media. 

We are hoping that some of our wonderful community will consider donating to Alopecia UK when they spot their first King Charles £5 note. Or if you're feeling generous, please feel free to donate a higher banknote denomination.

Alopecia UK is a small charity that relies upon donations and fundraising to continue our work improve the lives of those affected by alopecia.

Please don't send us cash in the post! Instead, you can donate using the link below. If you get involved, please feel free to mention @alopeciauk on any social media posts and use the hashtag #FirstFiver 

Thanks for your support!

Donate to alopecia uk here