We are very lucky to have started 2024 with a flurry of fundraising activity. We caught up with Teddy, and his younger sister Eveie, to find out about his fundraising plans this Summer.

Teddy, please tell us about your upcoming fundraising challenge..

Along with my friend Declan, I am cycling from Northampton (where we both live) to London Bridge (where our office is) in support of Alopecia UK. The distance is 84 miles (give or take!) and we hope to complete this in under 8 hours.

Why is it important to you to raise money for Alopecia UK?

Having seen the support that Alopecia UK gave to my sister when she was first diagnosed, all the way through to present day, I have witnessed first-hand the support and guidance being provided by the charity to thousands of people just like Eveie.

Being able to give back just a small bit to such a brilliant charity means the world to both me and Declan because it not only gives us motivation to continue to train, but it also spreads the word about what we are fundraising for.

What has been your experience of having a younger sister with alopecia?

I do not really remember Eveie before she lost her hair. I partially think this is because of how young we both were, but also mainly because of how courageous and brave Eveie was. Being such a young age and going to group meetings organised by Alopecia UK, with lots of other strangers was daunting enough for me, let alone Eveie!

I think seeing Eveie, day in day out, deal with all of the challenges that a young child / teenager would deal with, whilst having no hair, pushed me to spread the word about this condition. I also found out how important it is that rather than the first question being the C word, people instead consider the possibility of it being alopecia. 

Eveie, what is your earliest memory of connecting with Alopecia UK?

I remember the first couple of months after losing all my hair completely, my mum got us in contact with a Alopecia UK group for children. I remember being so nervous to go but the minute I arrived the relief I felt was incredible. I had the opportunity of meeting a range of people who also had alopecia and connected on a level no one else could comprehend. I remember leaving full of a mixture of emotions about the life I now have but also the reassurance I had knowing there were other people like me supporting each other every day. It really helped me, even to this day. 

How do you think being in touch with Alopecia UK as a child has helped you as a young adult with alopecia?

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express the support and love I felt being in contact with such an amazing charity at such a young age. Having the charity as a place to go when needing reassurance and happiness always helped me in knowing I was never alone. Growing up with those memories and connecting with people I met there, has been like growing with an extended family. The charity continues to support me, seeing their social media posts and being reminded of the incredible memories I have with them and how they have helped form who I am today. I truly believe every child with alopecia deserves to feel as seen and cared for as I did growing up with the charity's support system. 

How do you feel about your brother and Declan doing this fundraising for Alopecia UK?

Knowing my brother chose this charity off his own back, and having his friend supporting him, means more to me than they realise. Seeing them bring this fundraiser together and helping spread the word about how important the charity is to so many people fills me with so much happiness and courage. Growing up I slowly began to realise how not all people have as great as support system as I do. This is why I believe Alopecia UK is so important to help support those people who truly deserve the help. It has also given me the opportunity to share my story to friends and family who may have not known how big of a journey alopecia had been for me and spread the word about how important making awareness for the charity is. I truly hope their fundraiser helps more kids like ‘younger me’ see how important they are and they are never alone no matter how they may feel, there is some always someone there willing to listen and help.

Donate to Teddy and Declan's fundraising page here

Thanks so much to Teddy, Declan and Eveie! We have loved catching up with Teddy and Eveie, particularly our Communications Manager, Amy, who first met Eveie and her family at a support group meeting years ago..