Children & Young People

Registration closes at 6pm on Friday 11th October 2024 
What can you expect from this workshop?

A fun, playful approach to writing a short film, including practical activities on how to plan, write and make your own short film.

 We’ll be having a brief look at: 

  • What makes a great short film?
  • How to plan and storyboard
  • Writing dialogue for screen
  • Let's have a go! What can you film at home?

No previous experience is necessary - if you have something to film with e.g. a phone, tablet or camera, please bring this along to the workshop. If this is not possible,  you can still attend and we have other fun activities to take part in! 

You will need to have your camera and microphones on for this workshop. If you have any questions please email [email protected]

Who is this workshop suitable for? 

This meeting is for young people with alopecia aged 13-17. This meeting is only open to those in the UK.

Who will host the workshop?

The meeting will be hosted by Emily. Emily is a writer and performer. Having had alopecia since the age of 21, her writing aims to champion those living with physical and visible differences. Her  solo show, based on her own experience of hair loss, is currently in development and will be shown at a London theatre later in the year. Alongside playwriting and performing, she has also been working in the Production departments in TV and Film, including shows such as 'Star Wars', 'Gladiator 2', and 'Hijack'. Emily will also provide time for some Q&A about her experiences both with alopecia and her professional career in playwriting & performing and TV and Film Production. 

Alopecia UK staff member Jen Davies will also be in attendance to support.

How can I sign up for the workshop? 
  • Head to 'Register for a space' below and select the number of people you would like to register for. Click 'BOOK'.
    (In most circumstances, the quantity will be 1. Situations, where this may not be the case, would be if multiple siblings had alopecia and would also like to attend.)
  • Once you have clicked 'BOOK' you will be asked to complete a few questions. Please ensure your email is correct as this is how we will contact you to confirm your space. Once completed please click 'CONFIRM'. 
  • This will take you to the 'basket'. A reminder all our meetings are completely free to attend, there is however opportunity at this point to provide an optional donation to help us continue the work we do, should you wish to. Once ready please click 'COMPLETE PURCHASE'.
  • You will then receive a confirmation email. Should there be any queries regarding your registration one of our team will get in touch.  On the morning of the session you will receive a reminder email, in this email will be meeting link. This link is only for you and must not be shared elsewhere. 

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Short Film Workshop

Decrease Increase £0.00