This September (Alopecia Awareness Month) we are rallying our community to say loud and proud ‘We are worth it!’

Because we believe people with alopecia are worthy of so much more than they receive, and Alopecia UK is a charity worth supporting. People with alopecia have been overlooked for too long and this September we want to shed light on the issues that our community and our small charity are facing.  

People with alopecia continue to face huge challenges, including but not limited to:

  • Difficulties in getting to specialist referral from GP.
  • Unacceptably long waiting times for dermatology appointments
  • Some NHS Trusts/ICBs withdrawing dermatology referrals for alopecia patients.
  • Some NHS Trusts/ICBs ceasing NHS Wig Provision, despite our work on the Charter for Best Practice for NHS Wig Provision.
  • Challenges in accessing mental health support.
  • Difficult interactions in schools and workplaces.
  • Societal stigma that comes with living with a visible difference.
People affected by alopecia deserve better.

Alopecia UK has its own challenges too, including but not limited to:

  • Continued impact of cost-of-living crisis resulting in a drop in donations. 
  • Rising running costs alongside a reducing income.
  • Increased need for our support services in light of the challenges being experienced within healthcare.
  • We remain an ‘unpopular’ cause that is unlikely to receive support from outside of the alopecia community who understand that its ‘more than just hair’.
People affected by alopecia deserve to have an organisation, with the resources it needs, working on their behalf.

Our community is worthy of better care, fairer treatment pathways, increased understanding from public and professionals, reduced societal stigma, and a charity with sufficient resources to support those in need.

Alopecia UK is worthy of donations, fundraising, volunteer support, and for our charity to be championed not only in September but all year round.

We are worth it.

We will be sharing content this September that not only reflects the challenges that people with alopecia face, but also celebrates the resilience and fortitude of our incredible community.

How you can get involved

1.Become a Charity Champion – Get involved in raising funds and awareness for Alopecia UK. Our Charity Champion pack provides suggestions of how you can get involved in our 'We are worth it' messaging. We are also asking Charity Champions to ‘Go the Distance' for Alopecia UK and consider getting out into their local communities with a walk/run/cycle/swim/move-in-any-way-you-can challenge, over any distance – could be a marathon, could be a mile. Whatever you can do, will be hugely appreciated. Sign up to be a Charity Champion here. Under 18? Sign up to be a Junior Charity Champion here

2. Become an AUK Ally - Perhaps being actively involved with fundraising for an alopecia charity would not be a comfortable thing for you. We understand. Not everyone is in a place to be public with their hair loss. An AUK Ally is someone who supports us with a monthly, quarterly, or annual gift. All organisations need allies and Alopecia UK is no different.  By becoming an AUK Ally, you help to provide us with a vital regular income stream, to ensure Alopecia UK is here for as long as we are needed. Become an AUK Ally today here.

3. Become a Charity Cheerleader – Perhaps you are not able to support Alopecia UK with fundraising or a donation. No need to sign up to anything to be a Charity Cheerleader - you just need to shout about Alopecia UK. You can share our social media posts, forward our newsletter to your friends and family, and tell everyone you know about the good work we do!

4. Make a one-off donation to our 2024 Alopecia Awareness Month Appeal – A donation from yourself, not matter the size, could help support our efforts this September and beyond. Make your donation today here

We want this September to be a month where we all come together and recognise that the alopecia community is worthy of more than it has received in recent years, and Alopecia UK is a charity worth supporting.  

We are worth it.